the long stretch of freeways here in los angeles is like going through a corn maze not knowing where to go and where to exit. the shocking fast lanes, the millions of different cars, the undetailed numbers of opposing freeways, the confusing exits, and loud roudy insane LA drivers are scary if you are not from this crazy big city. most of the strangers i know often find themselves lost, going through the wrong exits and are clueless on how they could enter back in to the freeway.
my friend ("valerie madrigal" code name) had these heartwarming talk couple months ago. that sometimes, human journeys are like going through the freeway. in our cars called life, we put on our seat bealts, we just drive, get in and go to the fastest lane to get to where we want to go. not realizing once we were in, we don't know our destinations.
our all knowing attitude sometimes leads us to different exits. most of them, the wrong exits. and we falter, we go around the streets, we attempt to find our way back. we realize we're lost but we in denial that we need help. we just go about our selfish ways and not asked for help and end up being farther from the return route in the first place. even creating more lapse of damage than we ought to.
finally we catch ourselves and swallow our prides and asked for help to get back on route. only then do we find ourselves after being lost in a whirlwind of a city we never knew. i've had many encounters of being lost in my life. i've exited the wrong exits. i've hit and hurt people along the way because i was selfish, because i had too much pride.
but the lesson learned is that, there are ways back to the freeway. we might be lost along the way but as we mature and we learn the right detours to life, we find out there are always ways back to get back on track. but this time around, we are humbled by the experience. and this time around, in that freeway, we are sure of the destination.
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