Friday, March 01, 2002
Second Generation Filipino

You Know You're 2nd Generation Filipino When.....

1) You understand a lot of Tagalog, but can hardly speak it.

2) Make fun of your parents' accents.

3) As a child, you were totally embarrassed to eat spaghetti with sliced hot dogs in it. Now, there is absolutely no way you will eat spaghetti
without the hot dogs. In fact, you suggest to your non-Filipino friends that hot dogs make spaghetti taste better.

4) As a child, you hated being Filipino.

5) Now, you wear Pinoy Pride T-shirts.

6) You still wear Tsinelas (slippers).

7) You still take off your shoes when entering a house.

8) (Southern California) You've ever lived in Baldwin Park, Carson, Cerritos, the shitty part of L.A., West Covina, Walnut or Diamond Bar.
(Northern California) You've lived in Union or Daly City. (Hawaii) You've lived in Kalihi or Waipahu or in a plantation town like Kihei, Kekaha, Kau, or Keaau

9) You don't steal things (i.e., towels, soaps, tissues, cups) from hotel rooms like your parents did. And when you do take things, you deny that the action is not a Filipino trait.

10) You don't care if a T-shirt was made in the Philippines or the USA. As long as it has a designer label on it, you'll wear it.

11) You like shopping in small Filipino markets or the 99 Ranch, but you can't stand the way it smells in there.

12) As a child, you cursed your mom for feeding you Sinigang and Adobo all the time, instead of eating at McDonald's once in awhile. Now, it's a
special treat when your mom cooks Sinigang or Adobo.

13) You know how to cook at least one Filipino dish.

14) You know what fried Tuyo smells like.

15) You don't go to church anymore.

16) Diniguan or "chocolate meat" still grosses you out.

17) You still exhibit "tightwad" traits like buying a small soda (instead of medium or large which costs 20 cents more) when it's all you can drink.

18) You'd rather wash dishes with your hands than use your dishwasher because it wastes more water.

19) You still like Lumpia and Pansit.

20) You say Paanset (American pronunciation) instead of Pansit.

21) You still like Lechon but the pig's head still freaks you out.

22) You still find Balut disgusting.

23) You think you're all that when you go back to the Philippines because you don't speak with an accent, your skin is fairer than the natives',
and you have cool clothes - not hand-me-downs from relatives in the States.

24) You think all Filipino (VHS) movies are funny, even when the movie is a drama.

25) You actually believe that you could become a Filipino movie star back home because you think you're better looking than the Filipinos back home.

26) You can't stand to look at pictures of you as a young child because you looked like a Fob. (Hey, you were a Fob!)

27) You're disappointed at American parties where the only foods to eat are small finger-type foods with names you can't pronounce. (How about those vegetable sticks? Yuk!) You're even more disappointed when there is meat being served, but no rice! (YES, THOSE VEGGIE STICKS AND FINGER FOODS...BORING PARTIES!!!)

28) You eat Kentucky Fried Chicken with rice. Screw the biscuits! (THERE'S NO BETTER WAY TO EAT KFC THAN WITH RICE :oD)

29) You still call your grandparents Lolo and Lola.

30) You dare not bring Balikbayan boxes with you when traveling back home! One suitcase will do just fine.

31) Sometimes your Filipino accent comes out accidentally and you get embarrassed about it.

32) Your non-Filipino friends and co-workers ask you if you've ever eaten dog.

33) Your college major was in computers, engineering, nursing or business. Filipinos don't major in philosophy, literature, history, sociology and
other liberal arts. There's no money in it!

34) You think that President Marcos is still the Philippine resident. Do you know who the current president is? (NO)

35) You still eat Pandesal with butter, Vienna sausage or eggs. (IS THERE SOMETHING BETTER...DON'T THINK SO)

36) Your friends and coworkers don't call you by your Filipino nickname (i.e., Popoy, Bong, Jhun Jhun), although your family members and
relatives still do.

37) Your parents' house still has the furniture you grew up with.

38) Although there are now creative ways to eat Spam, you still like it the classic Filipino way - fried with rice and ketchup. Same with corned
beef except without the ketchup (FRIED SPAM WITH EGG & RICE...YUMMY - NOT WITH KETCHUP!)


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writing is my passion. i created silent reveries years ago to vent out things i could not tell the world. it was my private, modern tech approach to scribbling my thoughts and emotions in a journal. in here, i can feely be who i am. i could cry my woes, i can love freely, i can grieve over a broken heart, i can celebrate the joys in my heart, i can rejoice with my accomplishments, i can tell stories of remarkable friendships and unforgettable connections i made with extraordinary people SECRETLY AND SILENTLY without worrying people might judge me. i hid under the name PINAY FREESTYLE.

but eventually, some people gained access to my secret place. so i opened my doors to them in the purpose that i could inspire them: to be better versions of themselves and to share themselves to the world. slowly, i embraced my readers as a part of my life. i welcomed the strange idea that my untold life stories and unconcealed revelations could be of help to others, to love and accept themselves as they are. and i, i came out from the animosity. i eventually became just the regular LEN - the nickname my family & friends call me.

i developed stories of love, of letting go, of falling in love all over again. i made great friendships. but if there's one thing i was particularly proud of, it was my undenying love for the LORD. i wrote and made soul searching, heart wrenching entries i entitled, "SPIRITUAL REVERIES" which you will find many here. it was my productive way to heal myself from twinge and while i am at it, i could also mend others spirits along the way and bring them back up to par with their faith and relationships with God. it has not stop there. it's still a constant journey.

and so, for as long as i can, i vowed to tell my memorable reflections,i have unmasked the hidden me. and the seeking and searching of life's meaning and purpose is not over. LIFE is a long road of discovering. and i still yet to discover many wonders of this world and satisfy my unending curiosity. but be warned. you can either love me or hate me. but i don't care. this is me: sripped and bare as i can be.

so i invite you into my chaotic unperfect world. join me in my whirlwind new travels of diving into the unknowns. let me share my life with you all over again. come in, as i tell you my SILENT REVERIES.


DISCOVER ME: who is the lady behind the blogs?

"I want to have a personal light, the glow of oneself that comes from sheer willpower, the light of someone who has made important sacrifices in the name of things I think are important."

---Paulo Coelho's "Eleven Minutes"

my name is len. people always tend to judge me without discovering who i really am. i might look intimidating, a typical shop girl, and i act like a crazy party girl on the weekend. but i actually have brains. and i own an even bigger heart. the truth is, beyond the louis vuitton bags, beyond the lavish parties, the excessive passion to travel and the desire to get to know the world, if you got to know the REAL ME, i am really just a simple girl. my only desire is to be loved for who i am.


REACH ME if you want to get to know me better, if you want to share your thoughts, if you want to be my friend, don't hesitate: you can find me at

::yahoo: YM::
"boba-fied" i know, i know, i blog too much. but ...
thank you... i was uc riverside today to visit my...
what fruit are you? adapted from nina rose Straw...
happy birhtday, maffi! me love yah!
sign? i was with AB couple days ago. i think i'm ...
frap addict friday i want starbucks. saturday i...
i'll keep this short and simple. "for listening ...
daughter's desire so often, you seize for my mist...
shrug away in approximately three hours and 10 mi...
operation: sneak in, sleep in and sneak out. **...

DAILY DOSE OF ME my other blogs: in case, you're not tired of me yet =)

life is all about appreciating the simple things

pinay chatter box: much ado about nothing =)

CONTRIBUTIONS articles and works i've done for other e-zines through the years KEYCHAIN FAREWELL SA GITNA NG GABI

HABITUATE fellow bloggers who keeps me entertained and sane

::eric ahn::

ADDICTION these are a few of my favorite things...

::louis vuitton::
::ugg australia::
::armani exchange::
::h & m::
::banana republic::
PAMPER ME in this stressful world, i need relaxation. places i hibernate to and hide away from the world. here are some of my favorite spots.

::olympic spa::
::pho siam thai spa::
:: raya spa::
::japanese garden::
::redondo beach::

FREQUENTS embracing life in los angeles: a day in a life in my shoes

::monte carlo cafe::
::coffee bean::
::barnes and noble::

GOBBLE GOBBLE [L.A.STYLE] food over matter los angeles style =)

::thai bbq::
::the pantry::

QUERRIES i don't know everything. so these are the sites i go to answer my inquisitive inquiries, obtain html coldes, and upload my pictures.
